Click here with any questions. HME on Facebook! Check out the new HME Facebook page. It�s up and it�s a great way to share HME events and social activities. Not a Facebook person? The new Google Group is up and running as well. If you want to get in on the Google Group for HME please contact the webmaster HME Historical Perspective The Cornwall (.pdf 401k) |
Trash Day Schedule Starting on 1/1/2023 the trash pickup schedule for HME has moved to Monday (Trash & Recycling) and Thursday (Trash Only). Trash Holiday Schedule: Recycling Info: 2024 Yard Waste Collection Schedule: HME June Newsletter is available (Residents only). The deadline for the Newsletter submissions is the 25th of the month. Ideas, questions & recipes are most welcome. HME Newsletter Advertising Newsletter ads will be $50 for 6 months; $75 for 12 months. Newsletter ads are 1/4 page and will run on website at no extra charge. Checks are payable to HME Homeowners Association. For info contact: HME Newsletter Google Groups Email-(Residents Only) Looking for a direct way to share info, ask about services, find lost items, etc.? Try using our Google Groups Email List. Visit our Google Groups page and click the link "Sign in and apply for membership". Once you're a member you'll be in the loop and will receive HME shared emails. This is a restricted group for invited residents only. Correspondence: Real Estate Inquiries |