HME Architectural Review Committee - General Information

Planning an exterior home improvement, don�t forget to contact the HME Architectural Committee. We�re typically able to coordinate a site visit and review within two � three weeks. The more advanced notice you can give us the easier it is on everyone�s schedule.

Applications and any drawings can be emailed to the chairperson or dropped off in their mail box.

Committee Members:

Chairman�Kevin Lyons         [email protected]        610-644-2963

                    Mike Alexis          [email protected]     610-640-1416

                    Ed Goll                 [email protected]             610-644-3438

                    Ed Tomlinson    [email protected]   610-889-0202

Following are items most frequently reviewed by the architectural committee

  1. Sheds
  2. Fences
  3. Decks & Porches
  4. Home additions

Following are items that do not require review by the architectural committee

  1. Sidewalks
  2. Driveways
  3. Change in siding or painting
  4. Patios
  5. Landscaping, including hard landscaping
  6. Replacing and existing roof
  7. Windows
  8. Electric dog fences
  9. Play equipment

Each improvement request is evaluated on its own merits and circumstances.

The homeowner is responsible to ensure all property improvements are within their property line and that they do not impact any easements that are on their property per appendix I section C of the HME bylaws.

The homeowner is also responsible to ensure all necessary construction permits are obtained from the appropriate local governing bodies and that all improvements meet current codes and specifications.

A list of construction activities requiring a permit by East Goshen Township can be found on the townships web site.

Although not required for the review process, we ask that applicants give their neighbors a courtesy heads up regarding their improvement to help eliminate or reduce concern after the fact.





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(if differePhone #:

Email Address:


Home Owner Signature: